1: 1. Start each day with gratitude. 2. Communicate openly and honestly. 3. Schedule regular date nights.

2: 4. Show affection daily. 5. Prioritize self-care. 6. Express appreciation often.

3: 7. Try new experiences together. 8. Practice active listening. 9. Set goals as a couple.

4: 10. Make time for intimacy. 11. Support each other's dreams. 12. Keep the spark alive with surprises.

5: 13. Don't be afraid to seek therapy. 14. Learn each other's love languages. 15. Make compromises with empathy.

6: 16. Have fun and laugh together. 17. Set boundaries and respect them. 18. Reflect on your relationship regularly.

7: 19. Share responsibilities and chores. 20. Plan romantic getaways. 21. Practice forgiveness and let go of grudges.

8: 22. Explore each other's interests. 23. Embrace vulnerability and authenticity. 24. Celebrate each other's achievements.

9: 25. Keep the passion alive. 26. Support each other's growth. 27. Cultivate a strong friendship foundation.